Targeted call for interest: International internships for literary managers from the Western Balkan countries

Targeted call for interest

International internships for literary managers from the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia)

➡ Deadline for submitting applications - November 21 2022, Monday

What is the international internships scheme?
The scheme offers short-term placements/job shadowing of literary managers and programmers to professionals from the eligible countries in another organization anywhere in Europe.
The aim is to contribute to the professional development of both participants and host organisations in a real working environment, and to their capacity to operate transnationally. The ambition is also to help build new and lasting partnerships across borders.
The scheme will provide up to 10 short-term (7-10 days) placements to selected participants. The internships will take place between Jan 2023 - July 2023. 
For whom?
The scheme is meant for mid and senior level managers and programmers selected from the pool of cultural organisations participating in the Balkan Translations Collider Academy. These include publishers, literary periodicals, grass-root collectives, festivals, and others.
Host organisations
Host organization may be any working in literature and/or publishing and interested in international collaboration with partners from the Western Balkans. These may be literary agents, literary publishers with a strong translation list, public bodies in literature promotion, international platforms such as book fairs and festivals, etc.
The host organisation must operate in an EU or a Western Balkan country.
Other requirements and conditions
Deadlines and procedure
Interested participants should send a motivation letter containing:
  Note: It is possible to declare interest in the programme without having selected a host organization. In that case, please, outline what kind of host organization you are interested in.  

Participants will be selected by the project’s Steering Committee comprising senior representatives of each partner organization (Next Page, GotenPOETEKAmunicipality of PodgoricaSandorf).

Application and deadline
Application letters should be sent by February 20 2023 (Monday) by email to Yana Genova, project manager at ygenova[at] Do not hesitate to write with inquiries as well.

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