Online Reading from the Phren-Z Zoom Forward Series
03.07.2021 03:00

Online Reading from the Phren-Z Zoom Forward Series

with Eireene Nealand, Bistra Velichkova, Aurora Brackett and Rowan O’Neal 

When: July 3 2021, 03:00 Bulgarian time

Registration for the online reading:

Eireene Nealand and Bistra Velichkova will read with two local writers as part of the Phren-Z Zoom Forward Series at Bookshop Santa Cruz, one of the oldest bookstores in a redwood-filled surfing town near San Francisco.

Aurora Brackett writes about living in a body, about disability, illness and healthcare, and also about birds, trees, and the beautiful and difficult state of being human She was a PhD fellow in fiction at University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ Black Mountain Institute and also publishes essays and poetry. She was an Elizabeth Kostova Fellow in 2013, and her work has received multiple awards, appearing in  Thrush, Nimrod Quarterly, Eleven Eleven, The Portland Review, Fourteen Hills and many other magazines. 

Eireene Nealand loves oceans and other untamable places. She was an Elizabeth Kostova Fellow in 2008, and a Fulbright Fellow in Bulgaria in 2015. She is currently a NextPage Resident and Fulbright Specialist at the Sofia Literature and Translation House. Her stories, poems and translations have appeared in ZYZZYVA, Drunken Boat, The Chicago Quarterly, and the St. Petersburg Review, among other places. With Alta Ifland she recently translated Marguerite Duras’ book 'Le camion as The Darkroom' (Contra Mundum Press 2021).

Rowan O’Neal enjoys baroque music, fencing, travel, fine cognac, and Graham Greene. He frequently publishes fiction and essays in Catamaran and The Chicago Quarterly and is currently composing a ballet.

Bistra Velichkova lives in Sofia, Bulgaria, but frequently writes about hippies, heroin, and punk rock. Her book,  'Small, Dirty, and Sad' about the transition period in Bulgaria won first place in the Southern Spring National Contest for Debut Literature in Haskovo, Bulgaria (2015). Her  poetry collection, 'God Is Waiting for Its Dealer' (Ergo, 2018) was also well-received. Her fiction works in English have appeared in Drunken Boat, Catamaran, and the Fiction Writers Review among other places and her works in Bulgarian have been published in Granta Bulgaria, Literary News, and NO poezia, among other places. 

To register for the online-reading follow this link.

The event is sponsored by Catamaran, Phren-Z, and Bookshop Santa Cruz.
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