Guidelines for Romani Publishers, Authors and Organizations
Creating Multicultural Books for Children

The guidebook Creating Multicultural Books for Children has been created to accompany writing workshops for people who are interested in writing books for young people. It is especially meant for people who wish to write works that are relevant to contemporary children and young people, and that reflect the variety of cultures of the children in their countries.

Creating Multicultural Books for Children is prepared by Critical Thinking International and is available here

Promoting Literacy for Roma Children and Young People

Promoting literacy to among young people is a task that can be pursued on many fronts. In the book Promoting Literacy for Roma Children and Young People the authors argue that in order to promote literacy, one needs certain background information. One should understand and know the advantages of being literate, and also the nature of reading, and how a student learns to read. Promoting literacy among people who have been oppressed because of their cultural identity requires understanding something else: the nature of identity development among oppressed young people; and the nature of racism.

Promoting Literacy for Roma Children and Young People is available here
Акценти Събития Новини
15.03.2025 - 16.03.2025
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14.12.2024 - 15.12.2024
Многоезикови преводачески кошери | Зимно издание Водещи: Мария Змийчарова и Нева Мичева ➠ 14 и...
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05.12.2024 18:30
Преводачески далекоглед с Елвира Борман Mодератор: Виолета Вичева ➠ 5 декември | 18:30 часа |...
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21.11.2024 18:30
Преводачески далекоглед с Ливия-Мария Нистор Mодератор: Лора Ненковска ➠ 21 ноември | 18:30 ча...
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Отворена покана: Многоезикови преводачески кошери | Зимно издание Водещи: Мария Змийчарова и Нева М...
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30.10.2024 09:00 - 31.10.2024
Четвърта конференция на студенти, докторанти и преподаватели от Катедра "Германистика и скандинавис...
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