Diversity Reports 2008-2020
Books and translations are central in the exchange between people and cultures, hence at the core of cultural diversity as specified in the respective 2002 UNESCO Universal Declaration.

Since 2008, Rüdiger Wischenbart Content & Consulting maps and systematically analyzes how translations of works of fiction travel across roughly a dozen European markets and languages, tracking the overall patterns and flows of translation, and research multiple case studies by language or works and authors, resulting in the series of the Diversity Reports (with Verein für kulturelle Transfers).

Diversity Report 2020

The Diversity Report 2020 documents and analyzes the markets for literary fiction in Europe, with a special emphasis on developments in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. It is building on approaches and findings from previous editions since 2008, and especially on the report of 2018.

Download Diversity Report 2020 here

Diversity Report 2018 

Diversity Report 2018 focuses on translated fiction across 10 languages and markets across Europe. 

A summary of Diversity Report 2018 is available here
To access the full version of the report, please contact Rüdiger Wischenbart Content & Consulting here.

Diversity Report 2010

The Diversity Report 2010 aims at portraying and mapping how a significant sample of the best renowned contemporary authors of literary fiction in Europe shape cultural diversity (and its limits) across 15 European book markets.

Download Diversity Report 2010 here

Diversity Report 2008

This report compiles and analyses statistics on books in translation across Europe over a period of more than 25 years (from 1979 to 2005, and in some aspects until 2008) and is based on the UNESCO Index Translationum as well as separate national book market statistics in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, and Poland.

Download Diversity Report 2008 here
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