Publishing, Translation and Reading-related Studies on Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine
The studies Publishing, translation and reading-related studies on Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine, implemented within the frame of the Book Platform project, are united in the following topics:
  1. Publishing as a cultural industry
  2. Reading as a cornerstone for human development and translations
  3. To and
  4. From beneficiary languages as key for intercultural dialogue
General ultimate results of the cluster are an improved dialogue and coordination between cultural entrepreneurs (publishers, agents, journals), public bodies in cultural field (culture and foreign affairs), NGOs (associations, groups) and individual creators (writers and translators).

The studies Publishing, translation and reading-related studies on Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine resulted in the following theme-united publications: 

Translations from Armenian, Georgian and Ukrainian after 1991
Translations into Armenian, Georgian and Ukrainian after 1991
Publishing and Bookselling in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine 
Reading habits in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine 
To learn more, please visit
Акценти Събития Новини
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14.12.2024 - 15.12.2024
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30.10.2024 09:00 - 31.10.2024
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