Studies on the translated literatures from the WB countries
The studies carried out within the Balkan Translations Collider project:
The full reports of the literary translations of the countries North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as a summary of the six reports are available below:
  „Mapping translated literatures from the Western Balkans (2015-2020)“ 

A summary of six reports on the state of translations from the languages of the Wеstern Balkan countries. Data, comments and policy recommendations

The study is available here (in English language).
  'All drivers included. Report (facts, analysis and recommendations) on Macedonian literature in translation (2015-2020)'
„Сите драјвери вклучени. Извештај (факти, анализа и препораки) за македонската литература во превод (2015-2020)“ 

The study is available here (in Macedonian language). 

Bibliography of translations of Macedonian literature intro other European langauges in the period 2015 - 2020 is available here (in Macedonian)
  'Voice, Echo. Serbian literature in translation (2015-2020): Statistics, comments, recommendations'
„Глас, Ехо. Српска литература у преводу (2015-2020): Статистике, коментари, препоруке“

The study is available here (in Serbian language). 

Bibliography of translations of Serbian literature intro other European langauges in the period 2015 - 2020 is available here (in Serbian)
  'Albanian literature. Translations into the languages ​​of the European Union and the Western Balkans (2015-2020)'
„Letërsia shqiptarе. Përkthime në gjuhët e Bashkimit Europian
dhe të Ballkanit Perëndimor (2015-2020)“   

The study is available here (in Albanian language). 

Bibliography of translations of Albanian literature intro other European langauges in the period 2015 - 2020 is available here (in Albanian)

'Albanian literature. Translations into the languages ​​of the European Union and the Western Balkans (2015-2020)'
„Letërsia shqiptarе. Përkthime në gjuhët e Bashkimit Europian
dhe të Ballkanit Perëndimor (2015-2020)“   

The study is available here (in Albanian language).

Bibliography of translations of Kosovan literature intro other European langauges in the period 2015 - 2020 is available here (in Albanian)
  'Report on the translations (2015-2020). Data, data analysis and recommendations for Montenegro​'
„Izvještaj o prevodilaštu (2015-2020). Podaci, analize podataka i preporuke za Crnu Goru“
The study is available here (in Montenegrin language).

Bibliography of translations of Montenegrin literature intro other European langauges in the period 2015 - 2020 is available here (in Montenegrin)
  'Literature from Bosnia and Herzegovina in translation into European languages. Study (2015-2020)'
„Bosanskohercegovački književnici u prijevodima na evropske jezike. Studija (2015-2020)“

The study is available here (in Bosnian language).

Bibliography of translations of Bosnian literature intro other European langauges in the period 2015 - 2020 is available here (in Bosnian)

The Balkan Translations Collider is a three-year project of Next Page Foundation in partnership with ARGH (Serbia), POETEKA (Albania), Sandorf (Croatia), Goten (North Macedonia), and the municipality of Podgorica and is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

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