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Comic strips and grafical novels in different languages
While setting up, carrying out and enjoying the first and second part of our comiXculture project, our team managed to amass a vast collection of world-famous comic strips in over 15 languages! In our library you can find Joe Sacco's Palestine, Art Spiegelman's Maus (currently the only Pulitzer Prize winner for a comix in the world), M. Satrapi's Persepolis and many others among the most established comic strip authors world-wide! Our comix selection comprises names which prove that the genre has the power to scan prejudice and dispute social innertion and clichés. Out library also contains magazines with other published works from the project, as well as other comic strips in French, Arabic, Croatian, Romanian, Portugese, etc.
Next Page's team offer a comic book library for all frends of the genre who wish to borrow some of the issues from the list.
A small digital library providing access to full-text content of print publications supported by the Romani Publications Grants Program. The Romani Publications project aims to facilitate and progress these processes by supporting publications in the Romani language and by providing tools for the development of professional skills in the field of publishing in Romani.
Csilla Konczei, Ileana Lakatus: Ilonka Neni, Editura Fundatiei Petru Studii Europene, 2002
ISBN: 973-98268-7-3
324 pages
Language: Romani / Romanian / Hungarian
Barbu Constantinescu: Romane paramica, Editura Limes, 2005
ISBN: 973-726057-3
160 pages
Language: Romani / Romanian / English
Lili Kovacheva: Shakir Pashov. O Apostoli e Romengoro, Kham-Sluntze Foundation, 2003
ISBN: 954-91592-1-5
120 pages
Language: Romani / Bulgarian
Jana Belisova, Zuzana Mojzisova: Phurikane gil’a, Zudro Association, 2005
ISBN: 80-968855-5-3
164 pages
Language: Romani / English
Svenka Savic, Marija Aleksandrovic, Jelena Jovanovic, Stanka Dimitrov: Rromnja,
Women Studies and Research & Futura Publikacije, 2004
ISBN: 397-055-2-929
262 pages
Language: Romani
Margarita Reiznerova: Suno
Transcarpathian Regional Cultural-Educational Society of Slovak women Trust, 2003
44 pages
Language: Romani / Ukrainian
Vadim Toropov: Crimean Roma
Unona Publishing House, Ivanovo, 2009
ISBN: 978-5-89729-118-2
Languages: English / Romani
Miroslav Mihajlovic: Molilese (Tales and Songs for Romani Children), Multimedia Center – Trstenik, 2005
ISBN: 954-91592-1-5
130 pages
Language: Romani / Serbian
For obtaining the book, contact the publisher on e-mail: kpzts@ptt.yu
Alija Krasnici: E bahh pacardi corimasa
Roma Cultural Center - Kragujevac, 2005
130 pages
Language: Romani / Serbian
For obtaining the book, contact the publisher on e-mail: alijakras@yahoo.com