Andreas Tretner (Germany)
Bio note

Andreas Tretner is a translator of prose and poetry from Bulgarian, Russian and Czech into German. He has won numerous awards, such as Leipziger Buchpreis zur Europäischen Verständigung (1998), Paul-Celan-Preis (2001), Internationalen Literaturpreis of the Berlin Haus der Kulturen der Welt (2011), Zuger Übersetzer Anerkennungspreis (2015). He has translated chosen works of Yordan Radichkov, Peyo Yavorov, Voktor Paskov, Dimitar Korudzhiev, Ivan Radoev, Hristo Karastoyanov.

Residency goals

During his residency in Sofia, he mentored (together with Fedya Filkova-Kantcheva) a professional workshop for literary translators and had professional meetings with Bulgarian colleagues.

Public events